Reflections on Our Germany Trip, Part Four
We've been having luck the past few days with the weather, but today the typical German spring finally showed its face. It was gross and rainy most of the day, but regardless we headed down to Bonn, which is 30 minutes south of Cologne. We spent a few hours walking around and hanging out in a cafe. We also took a tour of Beethoven's birth house.
It's been amazing to see how God has been removing some of the doubts and concerns we been having about coming here. He's begun to implant a vision of how He could use us in Cologne. But, along with that, it's also been a serious reality check. No longer is becoming a missionary this romantic and exciting ideal. It's become clear that it will be so hard, and it's difficult to admit that I don't have it myself to do this.
Anyway, thanks for all of you who have been following this journey of ours. Tomorrow, we head off to Frankfurt for a night to meet with some of the regional directors of Greater Europe Mission. They're coincidentally meeting down there for a retreat. This will be an opportunity to get a big picture of what is going on Europe-wide.
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