Wednesday, June 14

Reflections on Candidate Orientation, Part Three

Thus far, everything has been amazing this week. Kathi and I have been so encouraged by the Mission - what it stands for, it's ministry, and how it cares for missionaries. The whole organization has a wonderful family ethos. The picture is some of the other "appointees" doing some mini-golf. The more we move forward, the more we're confident that God's call on our lives is to serve Him as ministers of the Gospel.

Tomorrow we find out whether we have been officially appointed to the mission field. Today we had to go through interviews with an evaluation committee. I get the impression though that no one has anything to worry about. Once this happens, we'll be missionaries and move into the next step of the process - support raising. And, I'm not too frightened about this journey either. Anyway, I'll update more tomorrow.


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