Reflections on You, Me, and Lehman
Yesterday as I was slaving away at work, I received a call from a co-worker in another office on campus. Apparently, a friend from college was visiting the seminary and wanted to look me up. "Do you know a Jake Lehman?" my co-worker asked. Wow, Jake Lehman. It has been a while since either Kathi or I have seen him. So, we took him out to lunch and invited to stay if he needed a place to crash.
And crash he did. He pretty much took over our living room for the rest of the day, watching the World Series of Darts and generally giving our apartment a weird cheese smell. The picture is of him raiding our frig. I had about enough when he yelled into our bedroom at 4 am, "You guys got any grape jelly?"
Actually, it was a great time. I kid cause I love. We went out to Giordano's and introduced him to Chicago-style pizza, and inevitably we ended up gorging ourselves. Jake was breaking out into a cold sweat. Now that's some good pizza. We spent most of the evening reminiscing about our college days. It was really great to see him.
Kevin, this is like the 10th comment I've left for you and yet, I never see you at my site leaving any comments. I'm starting to feel like your pulling away and frankly that hurts. I just want you to know that I'm willing to make this work but it takes some give and take.
By the way everyone since my guilt-ladden rage, Kevin has since posted on my site and all is well. At least now I know what to do in the future.
That weird cheese smell was 'roqufort' good stuff (if you like to eat feet). Anyhow, thanks a ton for the hospitality...and the grape jelly!
p.s. I think I spelled roquefort horribly bad.
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