Reflections on Christmas Sicky
You can just call me Sicky McGhee right now because I'm not doing so good. Teaches me for kissing my sick wife, but I now have whatever she had. Actually, I've been running a fever the past few nights, which is weird because I can't remember the last time I've had a fever. Anyway, send up some prayers that Kathi and I get healed soon. We have a few support appointments this week, and then we're heading back to Ohio on Friday for Christmas. Speaking of heading back to Ohio, we have a lot to do to prepare for this trip. We're going to be moving most of our stuff from our temporary digs back to Ohio. The scary thing is that we haven't even started packing yet.
Hey Kevin! I think You liked that G-R-E-E-E-E-E-N shirt in your Fickr Slideshow of years past. You have the same one on in the pic of your first day of school and of Erin and you in the rowboat!
I'm just bubbling all over about being a grandma! Every day we have that precious child of a Blessing tenfold!
Know what you mean about weaaring our preciousness and being that! I don't have it down continually but I'm getting it!!!
Have a Blessed Christmas you guys!!!
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