Reflections on Blog Etiquette
Therefore, I'm putting the following friends on notice for their delinquency in blog posting: Randy Surface, Sarah Surface, Aaron, Leggett, Matt Riley (come on, what's going on in France, friend?!?), Pastor John Ramer, Chris Lorentz, and Ryan Hofacre! Please, give us something! Anything!
In connection with this complaint, there are certain friends of mine out there that should have blogs but don't. They include: my wife, Brian Flora, Dennis Hoyle, Brian Herman, my dad, Neal Herr, Aaron Salentine (he has a blog, but all he does is post pictures of his baby girl...okay, we get think your kid is cute), Frank Andersen, and Eric Sandberg. Please get to work on that for us.
Can I blog on your blog, Kevin? I'll just leave a really long comment every week.
That's funny... :)
Thanks for leaving me off the list, Kevin!
Wow...I don't know if I'm supppose to be your friend after this. I think we have to dual or something. We'll your not the last friend I killed, but at least we had fun for awhile. BAM! (you're dead).
By the way...she is cute.
Brian - no, you can't just leave really long comments on my blog. You have to actually show little effort and creativity!
Happy - I didn't include you because where you lack in frequency, you make up for in quantity and quality.
Salentine - choose your weapons...I choose the mace!
I think I'm going to add that to my list of treasured compliments. :) Thanks, Kev. (I'm glad someone appreciates my ramblings.)
If I were writing a blog, I would avoid doing one with the name Cram. IT seems that the inexorable right of everyone who disagrees with you is gkto respond by simply saying CRAM it.
Ramer got kicked off my links ... which reminds me ... you're not in my links ... and you're a friend and a good blogger. Maybe if you say nothing to offend me at the wedding, I'll consider inducting you into my links ... a high honor indeed, eh?
I have a confession, a rebuke to give, and an apology to make. First, I didn't read the whole post where you proceeded to rip on "kid blogs" because that's what the sfb is and that's what mine is primarily. My rebuke is to you. My kid blog is just fine with me. Even if every post doesn't begin with "Reflections on dirty diapers," or "Reflections on my kid looking cutesy-wootsy." My apology is to the sfb posse. Y'all know that I love y'all ... if you're even reading this kid-hatin' blog. Had I read this post in it's entirety I would have known it was rippin' on you and me. But to be frank (and not like frank anderson), I got bored reading the post - in fact, I fell asleep while reading it. You owe us all an apology Kevin Cram.
Just goes to show you, you take on a father's blog, you take on them all. That's my boyee Burly...I'm so proud of you.
Well Kevin?
pssst ... just want you to know that i dont' want to take sides, but i fear the sfb. hopefully the sfb understands that i stand fully behind them and behind you ... maybe this isn't a situation where i can remain neutral ... i guess i'll find out ...
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