Reflections on Guys Night Out
Throughout the past six months or so, I've been craving a guy's night. I drove down to Columbus yesterday to hang out with Brian, whose wife had recently left for a week in California. We were joined by Randy Surface at which point we went to Quaker Steak & Lube for their all-you-can-eat wings night. Since college it's been a tradition to get together with the guys and eat obscene amounts of chicken wings. Unfortunately, we just can't pack'em away like we used to. Regardless, we had some good Louisiana Lickers, and then went back to Brian's place where we talked about politics and the fall of Western Civilization. After Randy left, Brian and I stayed up till 3 am talking. It was a much needed reconnection, and an encouragement to both of us. Now I have to rejoin the support raising rat race today. But before I leave, I have to get a mandatory Chipotle visit while I'm here in Columbus.
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