Sunday, July 15

Reflections on Motorcyclists

Now that it's summer, all of the motorcycle riders are out. We were driving behind one the other day, and we noticed something weird. Each time this motorcyclist passed another motorcycle coming from the other direction, they would wave at each other. This happened five or six times, and it happened between seemingly polar opposite peoples - a 50 year old retiree riding a Honda cruiser waving at a tattooed, long-haired Harley rider. Very strange.

So, all you motorcycle enthusiasts, what's with the apparent camaraderie among riders? I know that numerous subcultures revolve around motorcycles, but isn't that a little ridiculous? Does owning a motorcycle really bring you into some worldwide fraternity? I mean, any Joe Sweatsock with a midlife crisis and a couple grand can get a motorcycle. I think I'm going to start waving at every Honda Accord that I pass on the road. We'll see what happens.


At 7/16/2007 8:50 AM, Blogger Cindy said...

That's funny, I noticed the same thing when we were on the country roads, going back to Columbus after the reunion... I'd never seen them do that before here in the city. I think it's mostly a country road thing... but maybe I'm wrong.

At 7/17/2007 2:22 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Yeah, I noticed that on the drive down from AK, mostly on the long hauls between cities.

It's probably just something they do to entertain themselves. Like people in cars that play "I Spy" or "spot the road-kill".

At 7/20/2007 11:41 AM, Blogger Notablogger said...

I want a motorcycle one day and I'll make to wave at you so you dont' feel left out!


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